Don't forget de verificar se a acomodacao que voce ficara in London ira oferecer:
* Sheets
* Pillow
* and if the mattress and bed are in good conditions
Algums pessoas vendem a acomodacao divulgando que os itens acima estao incluso, porem muitas vezes isso nao e verdade ou tudo e usado e em really bad conditions.
I know for sure places that the bedroom has a mattress with bad bugs,broken bed, etc.
Para quem vai passar apenas poucos meses aqui o Tesco (£) is a great option to buy this stuffs but if you want more comfort or pretend to buy nice things to keep with you when you back to you own country, I believe that John Lewis, White Company and Waitrose are the best place for it... of course with different prices (£££)
Algumas casas/acomodacoes tambem nao oferecem utensilios de cozinha, como:
* Plates
* Glasses
* Cutlery